As part of our commitment to a greener more sustainable planet, we have dedicated an internal team and fund for identifying and pursuing the latest innovations in agricultural tech that would align with our existing business goals.

Our Interests

  • Vertical Farming

    The core of this belief if being close to the farmers we buy produce from, and when you’re in the desert, your options are limited. Vertical indoor farming is changing that and is creating opportunities for local farmers to serve their local communities.

  • Composting

    We also believe that soil needs to be preserved, and in the case of desert areas, nourished. It has been proven that with organic care we can achieve soil that can grow crops even in the UAE. We are encouraging and pursuing compost practices that can help nourish our local soil.

  • Food Waste Reduction

    Reducing food waste is our number one priority. Wether implementing proper data structures to better predict consumption trends or explore food storage solutions, action needs to be consistently taken to reduce food waste levels.

What We Do

There are a couple of different ways we foster, pursue or support sustainability initiatives and products.

  • Allocate funds to support a certain product or initiative.

  • Promoting the service or products through our existing channels of food related businesses.

  • Implementing the services or products within our own ecosystem.

Have a sustainable initiative or product? Contact Us.

Reach out to us to explore potential ways we can collaborate on a food sustainability initiative.